Jul 1, 2020

Must Have Ski Gear

Shred the slopes in style with these ultra-realistic animal ski masks. OGN reckons they'd look pretty cool keeping you warm just about anywhere.

From 80s-inspired fluorescent ski suits to leopard spot salopettes, snowsports culture is no stranger to far-out fashion trends. These ultra-realistic animal ski masks, though, are something else.

Made by Canadian brand Beardo, which also makes comical ski hats with knitted beards (to keep you warm), these barmy balaclavas are guaranteed to turn heads.

Time to get organised and buy yourself an early Christmas present! Alternatively, wouldn't it be a brilliant stocking filler for a lucky recipient? There's no rule that says they need to be worn on a ski slope! They would look pretty cool keeping you warm in winter in Knightsbridge or Manhattan..

Just type Beardo in to Amazon and take your pick from the company's truly whacky selection of amazingly realistic ski masks.

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