Oct 14, 2020

Boy Scout Lights the Way

This is a reminder that good things are still being done during challenging times! Ryan Sutliff, a 17-year-old senior at the Boston Latin School and aspiring Eagle Scout, is one of those bright spots. Literally.

Sutliff recently completed an extensive community service project at the Carroll Center for the Blind in Newton, Massachusetts, where his goal was to make the blindness rehabilitation agency's campus even more accessible for individuals dealing with the adjustment to vision loss.

Sutliff, joined by several members of Newton's Boy Scout Troop 205, installed nearly a dozen solar light posts along the driveway where many residential clients with usable vision will benefit from increased wayfinding ability. Blindness is a spectrum - most people with significant visual impairments are not totally blind. Many people who are blind can still perceive shapes and light. By adding solar light posts along the driveway, clients with usable vision will be able to navigate the Carroll Center’s campus more easily.

This was a deeply personal project for Sutliff. Both his uncle and grandfather have retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a rare inherited eye disease that causes progressive vision loss, typically resulting in diminished peripheral and night vision.

After completing the boy scout’s project, Sutliff’s last step is to present his work to the Eagle Scout Board of Review. Good luck!

More good news for blind people: