May 17, 2020

Couples Dining Together

Set up your table for dining side by side à deux, and invite another couple to do the same - opposite you.

Psychologists are telling us that having too many people on a zoom call is difficult for our brains to process. They're also telling us that communicating with friends and family is important for our joie de vivre and general sanity.

And, with lockdown somewhat curtailing our movements and dining in a restaurant with friends out of the question, this lovely idea provides a fabulous short term solution for two couples to enjoy dinner together and have a proper chat. If done skillfully, it really can feel like you're having dinner together across the table.

Obviously you want to try and prep everything before the appointed hour so you don't have to disappear into the kitchen during the call. How about a cold meal of salads and meats, followed by cheese? And it's sensible to have your wine easily to hand too.

Once you've got your table setting looking just so, it's really important to get the background looking gorgeous too. Remember, you're trying to replicate the atmosphere of a cosy dinner out. So, no filing cabinets or messy bookshelves! Maybe some flowers and a candle or two.

And why not dress up a bit? You would if you were going round to friends for dinner. So, ditch the hoody and slip into something glamorous to really get in the mood.

Top tip: it's really important to share all these ideas with the couple you're dining with. You don't want to be looking at their messy bookshelves in the background whilst they're enjoying your beautifully curated environment.

We are simply sharing the advice from a handful of couples we know at OGN Towers, who say it's a wonderful way of properly re-connecting. The further recommendation is to start with drinks, for half an hour or so, and then move on to dinner. Four hours later, you can all fall in to bed, without having to pay for a taxi or stressing about who picks up the restaurant tab.
