Jan 21, 2021

Explaining Mansplaining with 17th Century Art

In her new book Men to Avoid in Art and Life, Nicole Tersigni harnesses her skill with a Twitter meme to illuminate the experience of women harassed by such men.

It started out as a bit of fun on Twitter. Tersigni posted pictures of 17th century paintings and artfully captioned them with 'mansplanations' and boom, they started to go viral. Within a few days an agent got in touch and suggested she turn her tweets into a book. Two weeks later, they were meeting with editors and she struck a deal with Chronicle Books.

Tersigni defines a mansplainer as a man (yes, it's always a man) who explains things in a condescending way to women, and their thoughts are always unsolicited. Each chapter of her new coffee table book, which brings together works of art and razor-sharp captions, explores the different “types” of men that Tersigni and many women encounter on a regular basis.

Here are a few of our favourites:

Men to Avoid in Art and Life by Nicole Tersigni. Why not order a copy through your local independent bookstore?