May 1, 2022

Good News Articles

A handful of last week's most read stories (and most clicked video), if you'd like to catch up.

Teenager Discovers Sunken Treasure: A teenage treasure hunter who combs river bottoms with a heavy-duty magnet pulled a safe out of the water - stuffed with cash - and kindly returned the money to its rightful owner.

Plyscraper: A timber building in Switzerland will be 100m tall when completed and become the world's tallest plyscraper.

The Key to Winning the Climate Debate: Perhaps somewhat implausibly, Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have the answer to tackling the climate emergency. Don’t hype the economic damage, he says, just say we need to “terminate pollution”. The argument: emissions create pollution – and pollution is bad for our health.

Cancer Treasure Trove: Scientists have discovered a 'treasure trove' of clues about the causes of cancer - findings that could improve patient diagnosis and treatment.

Bioluminescent Street Lights: Thanks to one of nature's most fascinating phenomena, all kinds of animals, plants, and fungi utilize enzymes to glow in the dark, whether in an enchanting woodland, in the sea, or - more improbably - in the town of Rambouillet, 35 miles from Paris.

Most clicked video: Old School Dance Mash-Up - Old movie clips cleverly spliced together to Lionel Ritchie's Dancing on the Ceiling.

For more popular articles over the last couple of weeks, please see below.