Nov 21, 2022

Good News Magazine

Every Sunday, OGN publishes its Good News Magazine, featuring half a dozen eclectic, upbeat articles - and a couple of great videos - to help ensure it's a sunny Sunday, wherever you are.

Happy Cloud Art: Fabulous photos of clouds that have been artfully transformed into playful characters.

Unorthodox: A Chinese grandfather ran a marathon in under three and a half hours despite chain-smoking throughout the race.

Secretive Energy Charter: Environmentalists are delighted that the ECT is unravelling, as otherwise it would perpetuate the fossil fuel industry.

Mortgages: Invented 2,500 Years Ago - But the word itself is only 1,000 years old. Here's a brief history from its roots in ancient Rome to the English ‘dead pledge’.

Cannabis EV Batteries: Researchers have developed a battery that's cheaper, has a higher performance and is more recyclable than lithium-ion batteries, thanks to hemp.

More Good News Articles: A handful of last week's most popular stories (and most watched video), just in case you would like to catch up.