Oct 24, 2020

OGN Saturday

Collection of uplifting news nuggets to kick start the weekend.

  • Though trachoma is preventable, blindness from trachoma is irreversible - and it continues to be one of the leading causes of blindness globally, affecting 1.9 million people around the world. In good news from Myanmar, the World Health Organization has validated that the disease has been eliminated from the country.

  • Duke of Cambridge: The future king heads up two new wildlife patronages as his career focus shifts towards the environment.

  • Senate resolution aims to conserve 30 percent of US land and water by 2030. Senator Tom Udall’s ‘30 by 30’ proposal seeks to align the US with international goals to protect and preserve global ecosystems.

  • 10 year old boy walks 1,700 for a hug: Amazing story of a young boy who hiked from Italy to England, during quarantine, so he could hug his beloved grandma, who he hadn't seen for 18 months.

  • Performing acts of kindness and helping other people can be good for people's health and well-being, says the American Psychological Association. 'Prosocial behavior -altruism, cooperation, trust and compassion - are all necessary ingredients of a harmonious and well-functioning society,' said lead author Bryant P.H. Hui, PhD. 'It is part of the shared culture of humankind, and our analysis shows that it also contributes to mental and physical health.'

  • How much it would cost to end global hunger: Looking at every intervention available to us, researchers have found the best combination of policies to feed everyone on the planet. And the price tag is quite low; about 15 times what the European Commission spends on administration costs.

  • The cutting-edge polar research ship the RRS Sir David Attenborough - otherwise known as 'Boaty McBoatface' - has finally set sail from its shipyard. It will now be put through trials before being officially handed over for service later this year.

  • Innovative new bicycle helmet: Sleek, thin, squishy, foldable bike helmet hardens itself in case of collision.

  • Londoner's will be delighted and astonished to learn that Camden and Croydon are among the top 20 places in England and Wales with the most tree cover. In both cases, almost a third of the borough is covered in trees. Bluesky International, an aerial survey company who carried out the work, say they have detected around 400 million trees in England and Wales so far - but there are still more to find.

  • Take inspiration from 102 year old World War II veteran, First Lt. Vivian 'Millie' Bailey, as she goes skydiving, ticking another amazing event off her bucket list. Enjoy this 3 minute news clip from an American broadcaster: