Nov 11, 2020

How About Being a Vegan in January?

Many people quit booze for October, but what about cutting out meat in January?

It started out as a conversation between a husband and wife at a kitchen table in Yorkshire. Six years later, Veganuary, the movement to get people to go vegan for 31 days in January, has gone global and inspired one million people to take part.

Sir Paul McCartney is one of the celebrities to have endorsed the campaign, which inspired Greggs, KFC and Burger King to launch Veganuary specials. Eating more plant-based meals is one of the most impactful ways of reducing carbon emissions, says the UN.

“When my wife Jane and I decided to launch a new year’s vegan pledge in 2014 we expected only 1,000 people,” said Veganuary co-founder Matthew Glover. “Now Veganuary is a bigger feature in the retail calendar than Christmas. One million official Veganuary participants in just seven years is a huge achievement.”

The Veganuary website is designed to help anyone and everyone try going meat-free for the month with lots of great recipes, easy meal plans and helpful tips. Why not take the plunge?

To give you an idea of the impact that more plant-based meals have on reducing the negative impact on our planet, OGN recently featured what the Italian city of Milan has achieved by tweaking the menus at all the schools in the city. In short, they cut carbon emissions by 20 percent, the equivalent of taking 14,000 cars off the roads.