May 11, 2021

I Am Odd, I Am New

Poem by 10 year old autistic child goes global and will be turned into an illustrated children’s book this year.

A 4-year-old poem, written by autistic Benjamin Giroux when he was 10, went viral. The poem was translated in more than 20 languages, and has been turned into songs.⁠

Benjamin’s dad, Sonny, was brought to tears when he read the poem, written for a school assignment, and shared it on Facebook. Benjamin was overwhelmed by the response.⁠

“I am odd, I am new” is a celebration of the differences in all of us and it touched so many people online that it will be turned into an illustrated children’s book coming in 2021.⁠

“Now we have a child who is autistic, who was able to put his own words on paper and to be able to share that with the world - now kids will be able to read words from another child and see that they are not alone,” Benjamin’s father commented.⁠


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