Aug 18, 2020

OGN Tuesday

Bundle of bite sized chunks of good news to start the day.

  • Endangered bearded vulture spotted in the Peak District after flying to the UK from the Alps. It's only the second time the endangered species has been seen in the wild in England.

  • UK banks overtake European and US counterparts for number of women on their boards. 37 per cent of board members at UK banks are women compared with 35 per cent in Europe, and 33 per cent in the US. Last month OGN reported that companies on the stock market with greater numbers of Female Executives were 10 times more profitable than those without. Maybe the banks took note!

  • Carbon Footprint App: This new app will offset your carbon footprint, then help you shrink it.

  • Supermarket chain to replace plastic ‘bags for life’ with paper alternative. Morrisons is trialling paper carriers at select stores, with the intention of axing plastic bags from all of its shops.

  • US: 40 per cent of food becomes waste and of that waste, 50 per cent are fruits and vegetables. And so much of those are thrown out because they don’t look right, not because they have gone bad. A new company is turning landfill-bound fruit and vegetables into healthy sweets or, as they say across the pond, candies.

  • Australia: Startup believes we can capture more carbon by planting seeds that are coated in microbial fungi and bacteria, which improve the plant’s carbon-capturing ability. The company believes that if it were used on farmland globally, it could sequester around 8.5 gigatons of carbon every year - or around a quarter of total CO2 emissions.

  • An international study has laid out a trailblazing roadmap required for the planet’s marine life to recover to healthy levels. And, if urgent action is taken, the good news is that it concludes that the world’s oceans could recover to full abundance by 2050.

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