Apr 21, 2021

Only Good News

Updated: May 14, 2021

Today's bundle of good news nuggets to put a spring in your step.

  • Many thanks to a reader (who also happens to be a doctor) for kindly sending us this graphic. Enough said.

  • Taking multivitamins reduces the chance of getting a Covid-19 infection by 13 percent, at least for women, says new study. Researchers from King’s College London, who have been using an app to track people in Britain with symptoms of coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, found that simple supplements appeared to play a role in the risk of testing positive. Also, taking a probiotic reduced the risk of an infection by 14 percent, and omega-3 by 12 percent. Vitamin D also lowered the risk by nine percent.

  • A solar enery company in Connecticut has petitioned the state to allow it to use sheep to control vegetation at its solar farm. Greenskies' petition reflects a growing interest in the solar industry for what is known as agrivoltaics or agriphotovoltaics, which is the practice of developing a patch of land for the production of renewable energy as well as for agriculture. Not a baaa-d idea.

  • Indigenous reserve: Peru is to establish a vast new rainforest reserve for isolated Indigenous peoples, including peoples yet to be discovered.

  • Derek Chauvin verdict: police officer found guilty of George Floyd’s murder. Let's hope that the winds of change are blowing through the system.

  • The UK is to toughen its targets on greenhouse gas emissions for the next 15 years, the first major developed economy to do so. Following recommendations of the government’s statutory climate advisors, carbon dioxide is to be cut by 78 percent by 2035 compared with 1990 levels, the prime minister will say later this week - an increase from the current target of a 68 percent reduction by 2030. The move is intended to help spur further action by other governments, ahead of vital UN climate talks being hosted by the UK in Glasgow this November.

  • There were hugs, tears and kisses on both sides of the 'ditch' as quarantine-free travel opened this week between Australia and New Zealand. Jacinda Ardern heralded a ‘very significant day’ as trans-Tasman travel bubble begins.

  • Good news for star gazers. Tonight and tomorrow night will be peak viewing for the annual Lyrid meteor shower. If it's clear, wrap up and look up - towards the east. The first known record of people enjoying this spectacle is from 2,700 years ago, in ancient Chinese texts.

  • Google Earth: In the biggest update to Google Earth since 2017, you can now see our planet in an entirely new dimension - time.

  • The US and China have 'committed to cooperating' on the pressing issue of climate change, following a visit to Shanghai by US climate envoy John Kerry. It comes as world leaders prepare for a virtual summit on climate change this week as Joe Biden leads a new push to cut emissions. The US president has invited 40 leaders, including Chinese president Xi Jinping, to take part in the two-day summit starting on Friday 22 April.

  • Dutch doorbell helps fish: When spawning fish travel through the canals of Utrecht, they're often blocked by the city's Weerdsluis lock. Citizens are now helping the fish to get through using an online 'fish doorbell.'

  • A cat surprised hospital staff in Izmir, Turkey, as she entered the building meowing and carrying one of her newborns in her mouth. The staff had previously given the cat food and water outside the hospital, and maybe that is why she trusted them with her kitten.⁠ The kitten’s eye was infected. After consultation with a vet, nurses gave it proper medication and the kitten was soon able to open its eye and got better.⁠ “This is the first time something like this has happened to us,” the hospital staff commented.⁠

  • As it's Queen Elizabeth's 95th birthday today, we thought it would be fun to relive her James Bond moment at the 2012 London Olympics.

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