Jan 17, 2021

Saudia Arabia to Build Zero Carbon City

The unconventional city will feature zero cars, zero streets, and zero carbon emissions.

The city will be called “The Line.” As its eyebrow-raising name suggests, the unusual metropolis will be built in a straight line more than a hundred miles in length, along the Red Sea coast.

The Line, according to a statement by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, will be able to house one million inhabitants, and will be the first development at NEOM, a half-trillion dollar green energy business zone in north-western Saudi Arabia that's being created with the aim to end Saudi Arabia’s economic reliance on oil exports, according to Reuters.

Everything in The Line will be “within a five-minute walk of home,” bin Salman says. It’s still unclear how that’s an option in a 100 mile long city, but bin Salman did note that getting from one end to the other would take just 20 minutes.

That’s thanks to “The Spine,” a high-tech mode of transport that connects individual city modules. This subsurface “Spine layer” takes care of “ultra high-speed transit” and “AI-enabled transport,” according to official documentation.

The plans were met with plenty of skepticism online, with some calling it not much more than a vacuous attempt at attracting international investment.

“Everything about NEOM seems like it was dreamed up by a Saudi official who watched a sci-fi movie on [the Middle East Broadcasting Center] at like 4am and said ‘that looks cool, let’s throw $100bn at it,'” The Economist reporter Gregg Carlstrom wrote in a scathing tweet.

However, one should acknowledge that if The Line is actually built, it could be a great template for future carbon zero cities around the world.


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