Apr 2, 2020

BAT develops potential corona virus vaccine in huge 'breakthrough'

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Ironically, British American Tobacco (BAT) says it could manufacture up to 3 million doses a week if the Covid-19 'vaccine' gets through clinical testing.

Lucky Strike and Benson & Hedges maker British American Tobacco (BAT) has become the latest firm to offer hope of a Covid-19 vaccine after revealing a breakthrough with its tobacco plant technology. So, a company that once allegedly killed millions smokers, now might find itself the saviour of vast numbers of unfortunate people who contract corona virus.

The UK-headquartered group said its US-based biotech business (Kentucky BioProcessing, using tobacco plant technology) has been working on a potential vaccine for Covid-19, which it believes could offer up to 3 million doses a week from June.

BAT said the vaccine is now in pre-clinical testing and has the potential to offer a safer and faster way to develop vaccines than traditional methods.

BAT said if successful and with the "right partners and support from government agencies" it could manufacture between 1 million and 3 million doses a week.