Selection of last week's most popular uplifting news articles on OGN Daily.

Century Old Prediction of Pocket Phones: Over one hundred years ago, English cartoonist and caricaturist W. K. Haselden did a strip called "When We All Have Pocket Telephones".
Where Does Gadzooks Come From? Gadzooks isn’t a common word anymore. Fair enough. But this one is too good to pass up, because there was a time when you didn’t want a mother, schoolteacher, or priest within earshot when foul phonemes crossed your lips.
British Prime Minister Offered £1 Million to Go Vegan: Rishi Sunak has been challenged to go vegan for a month in exchange for a £1m donation to charity of his choice.
Solar Panels Disguised as Ancient Roman Tiles: Solar panels disguised as ancient Roman tiles or terracotta bricks to match the city skyline is one of the innovative solutions adopted by the archaeological park of Pompeii.