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Tired All The Time? Vitamin B12 Can Help

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Brain fog and fatigue are often wrongly put down to ageing, when it could just be a deficiency of vitamin B12.

Vitamin pill

For the first time, Britain's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued guidelines on vitamin B12 deficiency. As many as one in 10 over-75s (and one in 20 people aged between 60 and 74) could be experiencing fatigue, cognitive impairment and mental health issues, such as anxiety.

There’s a fair chance these could be as a result of not consuming enough B12-rich foods, which are primarily found in animal products such as meat, fish and eggs. Those with vegan diets are also at risk.

Vitamin B12 is required to form red blood cells and DNA, as well as assisting in the development and function of brain and nerve cells. You can up your vitamin B12 intake by taking supplements or you can ensure that your diet includes plenty of fish, meat, dairy products and eggs. Some fortified cereals and Marmite are also rich in vitamin B12.

So, if you're experiencing brain fog and tiredness, it may be due to a lack of this superstar vitamin. Why not have a word with your doctor and see what they advise? The solution could be as simple as upping your intake of B12.


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