Mar 27, 2023

Good News Magazine 13-2023

If you missed Sunday's OGN Magazine, here are the articles you missed.

Post-Pandemic: Five pandemic responses that became permanent and made the world a better place.

Interesting Words: A bakers dozen of obscure words that you may not have come across before.

National Treasure: Venus Williams joins the push to save Nina Simone's original family home.

World's Shortest IQ Test: It will reveal how average your intelligence is in just 3 questions. Why not give it a go?

Vinyl Records: Once expected to disappear as a music format, vinyl records are booming again.

From the Archives: The brain depends on a complex array of nutrients to ensure peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. Here are the foods to eat for a good night's sleep.

More Uplifting Articles: Handful of last week's most popular OGN stories (and the most watched video).