Sep 20, 2020

OGN Sunday

Bundle of good news snippets to put a spring in your step.

  • Surprising discoveries of unexpected street art, such as this gem by David Zinn in Michigan, are guaranteed to brighten your day.

  • Denmark: World’s first “Happiness Museum” opens in Copenhagen, devoted to the theory and practice of happiness, wellbeing and quality of life. It follows the spirit of Francis Bacon's observation: "To enjoy happiness is the good but, to have a possibility to give its good to other people is the greatest good."

  • Giving While Living: Both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates describe him as their hero, as American billionaire Charles Feeney finishes forty year dream of giving away his $8 billion fortune in order to die broke.

  • We've all probably reflected on our own mortality on more than one occasion during the last few months. In between Quarantinis, worrying about the sour dour 'starter' and random purchases of fitness clothing, it's not always been easy - to quote Monty Python - to 'look on the bright side of life'. So, if you're feeling up for it, how about looking at some humorous tomb stones? It's good to laugh!

  • Look out Vladimir: Alexei Navalny is seen walking down stairs as recovery continues. Russian opposition politician describes ‘clear path’ to recovery and praises Berlin doctors.

  • Spherical Glass Apple Store: Not for fruit! However, if you believe that good design makes an important and uplifting contribution to daily life, you're going to love Apple's new outpost in Singapore. An OGN spy tells us it's amazing.

  • Take inspiration from this Massachusetts community: Like many elderly Americans, Gloria Scott lives on a limited income. Sometimes, that means making hard choices. If money’s tight, home repair and maintenance are often the first things to fall by the wayside. But living in the dark was too much, so she called in an electrician. Deeply troubled by the extreme state of disrepair he found in her home, the kind electrician started working on other essential jobs for her - free of charge. Before long, he had recruited other handymen to give their time (also for free) to help him on the house and in the garden and now, courtesy of their efforts, 72 year old Gloria lives in pristine surroundings, saying "You can’t even comprehend the gratitude that I have.”

  • Acts of Kindness: Following from the good news for Gloria Scott, you may like to learn that acts of kindness (OGN - 4 July) may not be that random after all. Science says being kind pays off - and in more ways than you might think.

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