Aug 7, 2020

Uniting to Donate Blood

In another good news story of communities pulling together to help others in need, thousands within the Jewish communities of New York and New Jersey have donated blood plasma.

Public health data suggests that COVID-19 may affect the Jewish community at a higher rate than other ethnic groups. ⁠

That is why Dr. Michael Joyner from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, reached out to Orthodox Jewish leaders from Lakewood, New Jersey. He needed blood from those who had survived COVID-19 for plasma research.⁠

Rabbis quickly organized local communities and many volunteered. ⁠

Scientists first tested the blood to see if they had antibodies to fight the virus. The blood was then loaded into a plane and flown to the Mayo clinic. It turns out that around 60% of the first 1,000 samples contained the potentially lifesaving antibodies. ⁠

Thousands have donated blood plasma since then and just half of the initial supply was used to help around 34,000 people. ⁠

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