May 8, 2022

Good News Articles

A handful of last week's most read stories (and most clicked video), if you'd like to catch up.

Foods That Reduce Risk of Neuro-degeneration: Scientists have found correlations between certain diets and decreased likelihood of neurocognitive decline.

XBUS: Ideal All-Rounder? Fancy a fully-loaded all-electric camper van for under £30,000 ($37,000)? Or maybe a pick-up for under £17,000 ($21,000)? Well, you'll soon be able to thanks to the XBUS – a modular electric vehicle build by German start-up Electric Brands.

Cow Burps Spotted From Space: Satellites have captured the polluting power of cow burps from space for the first time ever, in a breakthrough that could help farmers slash methane emissions.

Putin Huylo: Mockery of an invader is helping to maintain morale - and an expression for which there is no polite translation has gained traction since the start of the Ukraine war.

World's First Airport for Flying Cars Opens in UK: The world's first urban airport that will allow 'flying taxis' to take off and land in the busy areas of cities has opened up in Coventry, central England.

Most clicked video: World's Largest Falcon - Gyrfalcons are the largest and most powerful in the world, but despite their size, they can reach a staggering 200mph when diving in the air!