Jun 20, 2020

Happier Together

What Makes Life Good? And what can we learn about human relationships and happiness from the longest ever study on adult life?

24 June from 19.00 - 20.00 UK time: Tune in to this online event for an inspiring conversation with Professor Robert Waldinger as he shares insights from the world's biggest happiness study. You will need to register. Places are guaranteed to people who make a donation to support wellbeing in local communities. Or, you can go on 'stand by' by registering free.

The event will take place on Zoom at 7pm London time (GMT+1).

At this special event, Professor Robert Waldinger will explore the findings from Harvard Medical School's 75-year-long study and help us discover the key factors that really matter for a good life. Robert will share insights about the vital nature of human relationships and how we can use these to improve our lives and help each other in this crisis and beyond.

Dr. Robert Waldinger is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Lifespan Research Foundation, and Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Dr Waldinger is author of numerous scientific papers and two books. His TED talk is one of the most popular of all time, with 33 million views. He is also a psychoanalyst and Zen priest.

The event will be hosted Dr Mark Williamson from Action for Happiness.