Sep 7, 2020

OGN Monday

Collection of positive news snippets to get the week off to a bright start.

Current farming methods spray weed killer ed indiscriminately over fields of crops. It’s an expensive and wasteful process. But the new science of AI could change that.

Robots are being designed to roll through fields, targeting individual weeds as they go. Swiss company EcoRobotix claims its autonomous, solar-powered robot uses 20 per cent less herbicide than conventional methods and has 95 per cent accuracy.

  • Cooking with Love: Long before community kitchens sprang up during lockdown, one of Italy's most celebrated chefs was leading the way. Recently, his three-Michelin-starred Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy, was named the world’s best restaurant.

  • Sweden: A startup has invented a nozzle for taps that could dramatically cut household water use. Altered’s Dual Flow gadget fits on to existing taps to atomise water into a mist of millions of droplets, reducing the flow of water by 98 per cent. Altered’s nozzle can also be adjusted to create a steady stream, though still at a reduced flow rate of 85 per cent compared to standard taps.

  • Did you see Comet Neowise? If you did or you didn't, you will enjoying viewing how the long-tailed comet (combined with sunrise) looked from the International Space Station.

  • Busking goes Cashless: London has introduced a contactless payment system for buskers. As well as tossing loose change, passers-by can now make use of card readers that allow tap-to-donate fixed charges.

  • US: Competing police reform bills are being put forward by the Republican and Democrat parties, with an emphasis on reshaping how policing is thought of in America. Trawling through the bills OGN has identified some of the stand out reforms proposed which should instantaneously solve all policing issues and systemic racism. Warning: Dark humour/fake news!

  • Germany: Europe’s first self-driving tram has been successfully trialled on a 6km route in Potsdam. The autonomous Combino tram looks like any other tram but uses radar, laser technology and camera sensors as multiple virtual eyes to view oncoming traffic. Travelling at up to the track maximum of 50km per hour, it can respond to hazards up to 100 metres ahead faster than a human.

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