Apr 17, 2023

Good News Magazine 16-2023

Articles from yesterday's Sunday magazine, just in case you missed it.

Cancer Vaccine Optimism: Major pharmaceutical company says vaccines for cancer should be ready by 2030.

Exploding Star: Stunning new snapshot of a supernova gives scientists the chance to run a kind of stellar autopsy and gain deeper understanding.

Funny Celebrity Quotes: If you're feeling like having a bit of a chuckle, hopefully some of these will do the trick.

5 Key Innovations: How the ancient Persian empire shaped the modern world.

Interesting Unusual Words: 20 little used words that you might like to add to your memory bank.

Best Ever Newspaper Headlines: Well, not all of them, but certainly 14 particularly clever and entertaining ones.

More Uplifting Articles: Handful of last week's most popular OGN stories (and most watched video), if you'd like to catch up.