20 little used words that you might like to add to your memory bank.

Amoretto: A little cupid.
Anadromous: The ability to migrate from salt water to spawn in fresh water, such as salmon.
Broch: Luminous ring around the moon.
Feuilleton: A part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to material designed to entertain the general reader.
Gaudiloquent: Speaking joyfully or on joyful matters.
Gelastic: Uncontrolled laughing or giggling.
Geolatry: The worship of the Earth.
Incunabulist: One who collects early books.
Limnology: The study of bodies of fresh water.
Nomiatrist: Lawyer specializing in medical cases.
Obrogate: To alter the law by passing a new law.
Ogdoad: A group or set of eight.
Prognathic: Having a jaw that projects forward.
Psammophile: Sand-loving plant.
Rhotacism: Excessive or incorrect pronunciation of the letter r
Semestral: Half-yearly.
Sigmoid: Shaped like the letter C.
Smeuse: A hole in a hedge or wall.
Vexillology: The study of flags.
Yad: A tapered, usually ornamented rod, usually of silver, with the tip of the tapered part forming a fist with the index finger extended, used by the reader of a scroll of the Torah as a place marker.