Nov 13, 2022

Good News Only Articles

A handful of last week's most popular articles on OGN Daily, plus the most watched video.

Health Benefits of Eating Dinner Early: Conventional wisdom is that a calorie is a calorie, no matter when you eat it, and that weight gain is caused by eating more calories than you use. Not necessarily.

Best Edinburgh Fringe One Liners

Secret Population of Polar Bears Discovered: The genetically isolated polar bears are surviving in an improbable habitat - one that lacks floating sea ice that is normally used by polar bears for hunting. This discovery provides a glimmer of hope for the future of white bears.

Cleopatra's Tomb May Have Been Found: Archaeologist believes she may have finally found Egyptian queen's tomb in what would be the 'most important discovery of the 21st century'.

Terms of Venery: Ever wondered what the collective noun is for collective nouns? Well, it's terms of venery. Here's a handful, together with their likely origins.

Most watched video: Dogs Just Want to Have Fun - Hilarious collection of clips of dogs having a great time.