Based in Italy, Venetian startup 9Tech has found a highly efficient, eco-friendly approach to recycling solar panels where up to a whopping 99 percent of components can be recovered. The approach differs from previous attempts since it does not release toxic fumes into the atmosphere and is much cleaner and greener than conventional recycling methods.

As countries push for cleaner energy sources, global solar installations are racing ahead, and shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. Whist this is obviously to be applauded, environmentalists are concerned about the impending pile of waste that will occur when the solar panels reach the end of their lifespan. Built to withstand weather events over 30 years, solar panels are tough and difficult to dismantle. Recycling or recovering individual components is even more challenging and, at the moment, requires the use of some harsh chemicals.
However, the good news is that 9Tech has developed an efficient method of recycling components that do not release toxic chemicals or poisonous fumes.
Without going into the complexities of their recycling process, OGN can report that the company say that its pilot plant can recover 90 percent of the silver, 95 percent of the silicon, and 99 percent of the copper from the solar panels. The approach is more expensive to execute than conventional methods, but the high purity and high value of the recovered materials helps offset the cost. Better yet, the recovered materials are in their pure form, making them suitable for reuse.
The team wants to build a demonstration facility that will process 800 panels daily. In addition to helping recycle solar panels, the facility will fine tune the economics of running a recycling plant.