Some Hilarious Classified AdsJun 29, 2023The classifieds are a treasure trove for both intended and unintended humour. Here's a handful we spotted recently.Photo: via PinterestPhoto: Metaweb / CC-BYPhoto: Metaweb / CC-BYPhoto: flickr / CC0Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BYPhoto: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BYPhoto: flickr / CC0You may also like...Random Collection of Hilarious Signs
The classifieds are a treasure trove for both intended and unintended humour. Here's a handful we spotted recently.Photo: via PinterestPhoto: Metaweb / CC-BYPhoto: Metaweb / CC-BYPhoto: flickr / CC0Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BYPhoto: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BYPhoto: flickr / CC0You may also like...Random Collection of Hilarious Signs