Feb 20, 2023

Good News Magazine 8-23

If you didn't catch yesterday's OGN Sunday magazine, here's what you missed...

Best Ever Headlines: Well, not all of them, but certainly 14 very clever and entertaining newspaper headlines.

Treasure Trove: Incredibly rare medieval gold coins unearthed in England dating between 1312 to 1377.

Who Could It Be? Animated comedy show lampoons attention seeking couple who claim to want privacy.

Record Breaker: 1908 Harley-Davidson Strap Tank sold for $935,000 - the most expensive bike ever sold at an auction.

Quotes: Happily it's nearly upon us, so here's some uplifting observations on the joys of Spring.

More Uplifting Articles: Handful of last week's most popular OGN stories (and most watched video), if you'd like to catch up.

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