Today's collection of good news nuggets to perk up the day.

Rhino Called Kyiv
A baby rhino named “Kyiv” in honour of the Ukrainian people was born in a Czech zoo exactly a week after Russia began its invasion of the country. Belonging to the Eastern black rhinoceros subspecies, Kyiv’s birth is another success for one of the few zoos in the world with a successful breeding program for these rare rhinos. Kyiv is the 47th rhino of this critically endangered subspecies born in the Dvur Kralove Zoo since they received their first one back in 1971, and the first one born in about four years.

Price Sensitivity
Interesting new research digs into how sensitive are drivers pondering the switch to the savings that come from moving from petrol to electric vehicles. Using data from California, it shows the obvious: EV sales respond both to electricity prices (falling as they rise) and to petrol prices (rising as pump prices increase). The interesting bit is that sales respond to petrol prices at around four to six times the rate of electricity prices. Why? Consumers are just less aware of electricity prices than petrol prices. So if you want a (small) silver lining to today’s energy price surge, it’s that bonkers pump prices should encourage more people to buy electric vehicles while nuts electricity prices won’t put them off much.
The Real EV Sales Numbers: Buckle up, the transition to electric cars is accelerating at a pace that was not predicted even 6 months ago, reports Forbes (OGN 18 March).
Raise a Glass to...
Francis Kéré, the first African architect to win the illustrious Pritzker Prize, often called the "Nobel of architecture." Though the 56-year-old from Burkina Faso has designed large-scale campuses, two national parliaments and other stunning buildings, his design philosophy is most potent in his"smaller" projects -- schools, health centers, community centers and the like. A lot of Kéré's work exemplifies "vernacular" architecture, a term used to describe designs that directly respond to local climates, materials and building traditions. Through his work, he's been able to transform communities across Africa.

Covid? What Covid?
A small but increasing number of destinations are lifting all of their Covid-related travel restrictions, regardless of vaccination status, including some European favorites. England, Ireland and Hungary all swelled the ranks this month. The Caribbean island Aruba (pictured), the Portuguese island Madeira and north-central Asia's Mongolia have also lifted their main Covid entry requirements. They join Iceland, Norway and Slovenia, which all shed their Covid rules in February.
Japanese Students
For decades, being a student in Tokyo meant you had to look a certain way. Under the public school system's dress code, all students had to dye their hair black, certain hairstyles were prohibited and even their underwear had to be a designated colour. In good news for students of all ages, these rules will now be abolished on 1 April, the city's authorities have announced.
New Stability
Engineers have linked Ukraine to an electricity grid spanning much of continental Europe, allowing the country to decouple its power system from hostile Russia. Belgium-based ENTSO-E, which represents dozens of transmission system operators in Europe, said the electricity grids of Ukraine and its smaller neighbour Moldova have been successfully synchronized with the Continental European Power System.
Quote of the Day
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Bernard Baruch
On this Day
22 March 1934: The Augusta National Golf Club hosted the first Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia.
Dive in Deeper
Nature Mood Booster
A young capuchin monkey gets frustrated when he struggles to crack open a nut. But gets it done eventually.