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Good News Only Newspaper

OGN Daily is the ONLY good news daily.

Now just over a year old, our daily good news only newspaper - which is only available online - scours the world for good news stories and then carefully curates them. OGN publishes daily good news nuggets in the form of short, bite-sized chunks of good news, together with one or more daily in-depth good news articles.

Readers can simply visit our website whenever they wish, or sign up for our daily e-newspaper that will arrive in your email inbox every morning at 07.00 GMT.

There are generally ten or more daily good news nuggets but, on Saturday's, we publish an extended collection of good news nuggets. Always eclectic, always uplifting, and always positive - and from all around the world. Our team of editors are based in England, Canada, USA, Hong Kong, France and Zambia, so we really have the globe covered.

In addition to daily good news nuggets and articles, OGN also publishes a daily video. These are frequently short nature videos and readers tell us they are excellent mood-boosters. Indeed, research shows that this is not just anecdotal evidence, it's science based.

The OGN Daily format changes on Sundays. The OGN Sunday Magazine has around half a dozen articles for readers to enjoy at their leisure, and cover a range of subjects, including the environment, wellbeing, culture, fashion, tech and innovation. OGN always seeks out the upside, the upbeat and the inspirational - with the sole objective of brightening your day and putting a positive spring in your step.

Why not join the thousands of others who look forward to their daily dose of only good news and sign up to our daily e-newspaper. It only takes a few seconds and it's free!

All we ask in return, if you enjoy OGN Daily, is to share the good news with friends, colleagues and family by telling them about our only good news website.

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