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OGN Tuesday

Today's collection of good news snippets, plus - with holidays soon to be on the cards again -we thought you might like to try this little game to help you choose your next holiday destination.

  • The good news is that it only gives that answer during lockdown!

  • Noise from shipping operations can be disruptive to marine animals, especially species like whales which rely on calls through the water to communicate. About 85 percent of shipping noise comes from propellers, specifically from a condition called cavitation, a propeller design issue. The good news is that a new type of propeller reduces noise by 75 percent and can be retrofitted.

  • Starlink broadband for rural areas People living in rural areas of the UK are enjoying 'amazing' broadband connectivity after using Elon Musk's Starlink satellite wi-fi service. Expensive, but one hell of a lot better than nothing!

  • A vast architectural gem, often nicknamed “the Welsh Versailles”, is crumbling into ruin, despite its Grade-I heritage status and several unique claims to fame, much to the distress of the building’s many fans. Now the sad state of Kinmel Hall, a mansion near Rhyl in Conwy and the largest surviving country house in Wales, has prompted the launch of a campaign to shame its owners, a property company based in the British Virgin Islands, into either explaining their intentions, fully restoring it or selling it on.

  • Citrus grove pilgrimage For French chefs and perfumers, a government-run grove on Corsica - home to some 900 varieties - has become a place of pilgrimage.

  • Colombia is to give protected status to almost one million undocumented Venezuelan migrants resident in the country, President Iván Duque has announced. The protection will last 10 years and will allow them to "normalise" into life in Colombia, after fleeing because of spiralling economic and political instability. The UN has praised the decision, calling it an "historic gesture" and "emblematic for the region, even for the whole world".

  • Sistine Chapel of Pelota Campaigners call for historic sports venue in Madrid to become a world heritage site after its €38m restoration.

  • An OGN reader has written to say that we ought to have a website, so that they can surf around whenever they feel like it - and not have to wait until they receive their daily OGN newsletter. Well, the good news is that we've always had a website and you're very welcome to visit at any time and surf around your favourite subjects.

  • Commuters who cycle as their preferred mode of transport might agree that it can all get a bit sweaty. E-bikes with a battery-powered “assist” are great for giving you a boost, but they’re expensive. So, Brooklyn-based startup comes to the rescue with CLIP, a portable and detachable e-motor that turns any bike into an electric one. One of the 100 best inventions of 2020, says Time magazine.

  • Willingness to get a Covid-19 vaccine is on the rise compared to last year, a survey of six industrialised countries published on Monday showed. More people in the UK, the US and even vaccine-sceptical France now accept the idea of getting a coronavirus jab.

  • Psychologists all say that watching nature films is good for your mental health. So, today, we introduce you to the arctic fox. Extraordinarily, they're most successful at catching mice (when they dive into the snow) if they're facing magnetic north.

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