Getting the weekend off to an uplifting start with a round up of good news snippets.
Matter can travel to the future through black holes, predicts new theory. Black holes are undoubtedly pretty weird but two recent papers say we don't understand how they work at all. They go against the previous theories that predict the centre of a black hole features a point of infinite density called a singularity. Instead, say the new papers, matter might be sucked into black holes and spat out later in the future somewhere else across the Universe. Time will tell!
Do wind turbines really fail in cold weather? Let's debunk the rumours circulating in Texas and help everyone get back to fact-based news.
A collection of Viking age artefacts has been discovered on the Isle of Man and been declared treasure by the island’s coroner of inquests. The find, which is considered to be internationally significant and believed to be more than 1,000 years old, consists of a gold arm ring, a large silver brooch, at least one silver armband and other associated finds. They are believed to have been buried in about AD950, and were discovered late last year by an amateur metal detectorist on private land.
There's some excellent news regarding prostate cancer, with the discovery that a "robotic nose" could be developed to detect the disease after dogs successfully sniffed out the disease with 71 percent accuracy.
The Callendar Effect Guy Stewart Callendar (1898 - 1964) was an English steam engineer and inventor. His main contribution to knowledge was developing the theory that linked rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere to global temperature. But he interpreted this as a positive, not a negative.
The US officially rejoined the Paris agreement yesterday - just 107 days after it left.
Good news from the Royal Horticultural Society, where scientists have found that certain types of hedge are "superplants" which absorb 20 per cent more air pollution than their counterparts. In just seven days, one metre of dense hedge of cotoneaster franchetti will mop up the same amount of pollution that a car emits over a 500-mile drive.
A total of 108,205 electric vehicles were sold in the UK (approximately one fifth were Teslas) in 2020, almost double the previous year. The vehicles now account for 6.6 percent of the overall market, jumping from 1.6 percent in 2019.
Trump's Desert Island Discs It's hard to imagine, but if Trump ever appeared on BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, this is what OGN imagines would be his eight choices.
Is this Britain's bravest traffic warden? As Prince Philip, 99, prepares to spend the weekend in hospital, his royal protection officers' Range Rover (which Prince Philip was driven to the hospital in) gets a parking ticket outside the King Edward VII Hospital.
The European Commission has announced that it is suing Germany for a “general and persistent” failure to produce sufficient conservation plans for more than 4,000 sites deemed important for protecting nature.
Green postgrad degrees The ‘Greta effect’ has driven interest and enrolments in postgraduate environmental degrees - and the green jobs market is fuelling the need for a highly qualified workforce.
Virgin gets another spin as Universal Music reboots Branson's label. Move comes almost half a century after Sir Richard Branson turned his record store in Notting Hill Gate into a label. Universal Music is refashioning the brand as a distribution and services business for musicians and labels, nine years after it acquired Virgin through a £1.2bn swoop on EMI.
Extraordinary display of Northern Lights filmed by a lake in Canada's north west, close to Alaska. And, because it's a 360 degree video you can manipulate your view, just like you would if you were actually there!