Reasons to be cheerful: today's collection of good news nuggets.
Snowdrops are starting to appear outside OGN Towers. A sure sign that Spring is on the way, and enhancing the feeling of optimism that better days are coming. Since 'the shortest day' on 21 December we are already enjoying an extra hour of mood-boosting daylight, and every four weeks from now on we'll add another hour of daylight. That's an average of 2 minutes and 7 seconds of extra daylight every day until the Summer Solstice on 21 June.
And, to keep the optimistic mood going, aren't we all really looking forward to being able to travel again, and having the opportunity to refresh our collection of travel guides? We're fed up with Lonely Planet's The Lounge - 57 Routes to the Sofa, not to mention the climbing activities proclaimed in The Stairwell.
Like most people, you've probably never heard of Mary Anning - that's not because of her achievements, but because she was poor, working class, and female. A 13 year old girl in Dorset has now decided it was high time that she was properly recognised with a statue in her home town, Lyme Regis.
Last week the Dominican Republic approved a bill that eliminates all legal grounds for child marriage and safeguards the rights of children, particularly girls. The International Justice Ministry said the Caribbean island's new law stipulates that “people under 18 years old will not be able to marry under any circumstances”.
Biden's 9th Executive Order: The biggest step the Biden administration took on climate last week might not have been rejoining the Paris Agreement.
A man who found a tiny kitten buried in snow thought it was a lost cat - only to find it was one of the most endangered mammals in Europe. Pete MacNab was out for a walk in Scotland’s Cairngorms National Park when he spotted the tiny furry bundle in the snow. He swept it up and carried it 3 miles to the vet; and then started posting on local Facebook groups to try and find the owner. However, the following day, the vet said a specialist had in fact identified the wee tabby as a Scottish wildcat. There are only around 100 to 300 of the species left. The only wild member of the cat family in the UK, it’s also one of the most endangered mammals in Europe. So, well done Pete!
Possible Cure for Eczema and Psoriasis: ‘Huge leap’ in understanding of eczema could lead to revolutionary new treatments for various inflammatory conditions.
A simple change to fishing gear saves thousands of birds in Namibia, including albatross. Birds that once became tangled in baited lines appear to be scared off by recently introduced coloured pipes, according to a new report. “In many other areas where I work where we lose threatened species, it would be unheard of to reduce mortality by 90 percent over a decade,” said co-author Steffen Oppel at the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science in Cambridge.
Retiree Fixes Hundreds of Bicycles: He charges nothing for this labour of love, but says he gets a lot in return. Especially the looks on children's faces when they see their old bikes transformed.
Boeing says it will begin delivering commercial airplanes capable of flying on 100 percent biofuel by the end of the decade, calling reducing environmental damage from fossil fuels the “challenge of our lifetime.”
We all need 'The Will to Win' and win we surely will.
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