Tasty bite-sized chunks of good news to brighten up the day.

Rare Treasure
A Dutchman found a jaw-dropping trove of 1,000-year-old medieval treasure while walking with a metal detector in the small city of Hoogwoud. Lorenzo Ruijter, 27, discovered the collection of gold ear decorations, gold strips and silver coins in 2021, but experts at the Netherlands' National Museum of Antiquities needed time to clean, investigate and date the objects before the find could be announced to the public. The Museum noted that gold from this time period is extremely rare in the region. Ruijter said it was hard keeping the discovery a secret. "It was very special discovering something this valuable, I can't really describe it," he said. "I never expected to discover anything like this." Given its archaeological significance, the treasure was given as a loan to the museum which will display it, but it will remain the official property of finder Lorenzo Ruijter.
Migration Safeguard
A loss for lawmakers in Texas who wanted to build a border wall is a huge win for Monarch butterflies, following the FDA's designation of the prostrate milkweed plant as an endangered species. The prostrate milkweed only grows in the Texas-Mexico borderlands - so no walls allowed! The listing of the plant, which provides crucial habitat for the butterflies, will help safeguard their migration when they head north from Mexico each spring.
Classical Apple
The whispers swirling around orchestra pits from London to New York were true. Tech giant Apple has confirmed that later this month it will launch Apple Music Classical, a streaming service and app featuring the globe’s largest classical music catalogue. Apple’s classical catalogue will contain over five million tracks, making it by far the largest classical streaming library - available from 28 March.

Conservation Success
Conservation efforts have restored 15 million hectares (37 million acres) of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest since 2009, leading to the return of hundreds of birds and the reintroduction of the lowland tapir to Rio de Janeiro for the first time in 100 years. The forests, which have endured centuries of deforestation, are one of Brazil’s most important biomes.
Just Glass
A solar panel manufacturer in Switzerland announced it’s shifting away from using any plastic in its panels. Meyer Burger says the shift to 100 percent glass panels will lead to faster scalability and it’s just better technology.
"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." Albert Einstein
On this Day
14 March 1879: Albert Einstein, one of the most creative intellects in human history, known for his groundbreaking theories of relativity, was born in Ulm, Germany.
The pandemic was ghastly, but it contributed to two big improvements in the lives of working Americans on both ends of the wage spectrum. Positive effects...
Juvenile snapping shrimp can achieve the fastest acceleration of any repeatable, underwater motion by any living thing. Sonic boom...
Is This The Best Used Car Ad Ever? Hilarious Craigslist ad for a knackered 1999 Toyota Carolla. Sold!
Mood Booster
Ronald Reagan telling his three-legged chicken joke.