The UK’s offshore wind pipeline reaches 86 GW - a 60 percent increase in 12 months. But how does that compare globally?

The UK pipeline, which “includes projects that are fully operational, under construction, consented, in the planning system, or being developed for submission into planning,” has seen a 60 percent increase over the past 12 months.
It’s more than eight times the UK’s current operational capacity, reports not-for-profit renewable energy trade association RenewableUK.
Globally, the total offshore wind pipeline has reached 517 GW. So, where does the UK stand in comparison to other countries’ offshore wind pipelines?
Its total pipeline is bigger than China’s, which is at 74.7 GW, as per the below chart, but China now has more fully operational capacity – 24 GW – than the UK, which has 10.5 GW.
The US’s pipeline comes in third at nearly 48 GW, which is a significant number, seeing how it currently has almost no built offshore wind capacity.