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OGN Saturday

Today's round up of good news snippets to get the weekend off to a bright start.

  • Cameroon: Following an outcry from conservation groups and local communities, the country has backtracked on a decision to allow industrial logging in one of the region's least exploited rainforests, home to rare gorillas, tool-wielding chimpanzees, and giant frogs. Thus preserving 264 sq miles, or nearly half, of southwestern Cameroon’s Ebo forest.

  • UK: Strolling from A to B across the countryside is soon to become a whole lot easier as footpath maps, currently only offered in analogue form (i.e. paper maps) is set to go digital.

  • Not a day goes by without a new launch of an EV from a new brand. Lucid Motors, a California-based startup, declared that its upcoming electric car will be able to go 517 miles on a single charge. That's good news in the battle to overcome potential customer 'range anxiety' and outstrips Tesla's Model S by more than 100 miles.

  • US: New research provides reasons for a degree of optimism as there may be new pathways toward herd immunity in which enough of the population develops a mild version of the virus that they block further spread and the pandemic ends, reports Washington Post.

  • Good news for cricket fans as Australia gives green light for limited-overs tour to England in September.

  • China: Scientists have identified a key chemical that promotes the formation of devastating locust swarms, opening up new possibilities when it comes to controlling their behavior and limiting the environmental damage they cause.

  • Nigeria: 11 year old boy records himself dancing in the rain in his back yard. His video goes viral and is seen by just the right person, who promptly offered him a full scholarship to the American Ballet Theatre Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School of Dance in New York City.

  • Iraq: Once declared a major ecological disaster, restoration and rainfall have brought life - both human and animal - flooding back to the Mesopotamian Marshes. With wildlife returning to the area in high numbers, the Ma’dan people have been able to move back to the region and resume a traditional way of life, which involves fishing, harvesting reeds and breeding water buffalo.

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