These mycological treats provide us with a whole range of health benefits. Here are three reasons why you should be eating more mushrooms.

Disease Protection: Mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamin D which helps protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers. Few of us get enough vitamin D from sunshine, so mushrooms have the added benefit of being one of the few plant-based sources of vitamin D. (See
more food options for getting a good vitamin D intake.)
Immune System Booster: Packed with D-glucans, beta-glycosides, magnesium, zinc, and more, mushrooms provide a massive nutrient our immune systems. Furthermore, they are also an excellent source of antioxidants which ward off free radicals.
Promote Satiety: Portobello mushrooms often find their way onto the grill, and that’s because their robust flavour and substantial texture make them a great alternative to meat. They’re also high in dietary fibre, helping you feel fuller longer.
Aside from their nutritional benefits, mushrooms are considered one of the most sustainably sourced foods as they require fewer growing minerals, water, and energy compared to other types of vegetables.
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