Today's tasty selection of bite-sized chunks of upbeat news.

Climate Education
To continue building on its legacy as a leader in climate education (it became the first state to require schools to teach about climate change in 2020), New Jersey just made history as the first state in the U.S. to establish an Office of Climate Education, reports Planetary Press. The goal of the office - lead by Sarah Sterling-Laldee - is to improve climate literacy and environmental awareness among the state’s students and educators. Climate change education is overwhelmingly supported by young people, parents (84%), and teachers (86%), but most states don’t require it, provide misinformation, or deny climate change entirely. New Jersey offers an alternative blueprint for states to embrace.
Malaria Vaccine Deal
Amazing news from UNICEF, the world’s largest vaccine buyer. They've just signed a long-term agreement with the world's biggest vaccine manufacturer (India's Serum Life Sciences) to supply the new R21 malaria vaccine through to 2028. They expect to start immunising kids in mid-2024. This is huge, as half a million children currently die of malaria every year.
Uber Balloon
It was, at first, so simple. When Uber launched in 2009, the brief was clear: taxis are a vital part of a city’s infrastructure, and making the process of hailing one digitally was an obvious, modern innovation. Slowly, though, the brand has expanded. The company - and its app - is no longer just about getting a lift across town. In fact, Uber has just launched one of its more photogenic, and ambitious, ways to catch a ride. Enter the Uber Balloon: a hot air balloon ride over the stunningly beautiful region of Cappadocia, in Turkey.
World’s First Hot Air Balloon Restaurant: Acclaimed chef serves diners with a three-course gourmet meal while floating in the skies above Holland. It's most definitely an original and unique dining experience! Tuck in...

Royal Throne
The Dutch throne has been moved for the first time from the 13th century Ridderzaal (Knights Hall) in The Hague to be displayed in an exhibition, as the Netherlands’ monarchy seeks to further open up to the public. The wooden chair, upholstered in red velvet, takes centre stage in the 'Power of the Throne' exhibition at Paleis Het Loo, a summer retreat for the House of Orange-Nassau that continued to be used deep into the 20th century. The throne, which will be on show from this week until March, is used by King Willem-Alexander for his annual speech at the state opening of parliament.

Calling Time on SUVs
Ireland’s Green party has called for measures to reduce the sale of sport utility vehicles after figures showed that two out of three cars sold in the country in 2022 were SUVs, a little higher than the EU average - according to data provided to the Financial Times by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association. There is increasing concern about the environmental, health and safety impact of the increasing popularity of SUVs, often large four-wheel drive vehicles that routinely weigh more than two tonnes. The Paris-based International Energy Agency said this year that, globally, SUVs produced emissions equivalent to the combined national totals of the UK and Germany.
Why You Shouldn't Buy An SUV: In short: If SUVs were a country, they would rank as the sixth most polluting in the world. And buying an electric version isn't really a good solution either. More...
Maternal Care
Over the last seven years, Kenya has trained over 1,200 nurses, with a big emphasis on midwifery and maternal and neonatal care. It's working. The most recent data shows that under-five mortality in Kenya has more than halved, there's been a significant uptick in vaccinations, 98 percent of women now receive antenatal care, and 89 percent of births are attended by a skilled provider.
Guest Joke
Thanks to a reader for kindly sending this in: "I recently spent thousands buying a young bull. I put him out with the herd, but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cows. I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyhow, I had the vet come and have a look at him. He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day. The bull started to service the cows within two days, all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbour’s cows! He's like a machine! I don't know what was in the pills the vet gave him... but they taste like peppermint."
"We must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose." Dwight D. Eisenhower
On This Day
24 October 1945: The charter for the United Nations - the world's premier international organization, established at the end of World War II to maintain world peace and friendly relations among nations - entered into force this day in 1945.
Confused about what's recyclable? The good news is that recycling is about to get much easier. QR codes...
All-in-One: This versatile gizmo is one of those bits of tech you didn't know you wanted until someone came up with the idea. StandByMe Go...
Mood Booster
Some of Buster Keaton's greatest stunts.