Oct 1, 2020

OGN Thursday

Plenty of good news snippets to perk up your mood.

  • Love Heart of Nature by the Australian photographer Jim Picôt is the overall winner of Drone Awards 2020. The shot immortalises a salmon school in New South Wales, forming the shape of a heart with a shark swimming inside it.

  • Get today's cultural fix by exploring the crown jewel of The Met's American Wing in a spherical 360° video. Flanked by stunning Tiffany stained-glass windows, the Charles Engelhard Court in The American Wing houses some of the museum's most iconic sculptures, mosaics, and architectural elements.

  • Out of this world: If you’ve ever had dreams of going into space, you might just want to apply for the upcoming US reality show “Space Hero.” The grand prize? A seat on a 2023 mission to the International Space Station.

  • Epic-Apple Courtroom Battle: You may not particularly care whether David (Fortnite) or Goliath (Apple) wins this slug-fest but, if Fortnite's owner (Epic - aka David) does, we all may get better prices for stuff we might want to download. Surely, that would be good news. Afterall, who likes - if proven - monopolistic abuse of power. (Apologies for all the brackets - but not the sling-shots.)

  • Israel: The construction of an electric road will make Tel Aviv the first city worldwide to institute the large-scale rollout of a technology that can charge buses as they drive. This means they won’t need expensive, heavy batteries. They won’t need to go to charging or gas stations. When travelling along the necessary infrastructure, they’ll actually have unlimited journey times.

  • Mountain Rescue: Imagine you're hiking somewhere remote and slip and have a serious accident. Wouldn't it be extraordinarily good news if a paramedic could get to you in under 2 minutes? Well, if you were hiking in the Lake District, that may soon happen courtesy of a jetback. See 90 second video of Jetpack Paramedic.

  • Good news for thousands of schoolteachers as they receive $500 grants from author James Patterson to help students build reading skills, especially as schools struggle to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic. Patterson, one of the world's best-selling writers, has given more than $11 million to teachers, along with millions he has given to bookstores, libraries, and literacy organizations.

Remarkably, in today's world, OGN Daily is published for love not money. Please share the good news by telling your friends about us.