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Newspaper headline: Only Good News!

Happy News & News About Happiness

Very similar, but not quite the same. News about happiness takes many forms, and one of OGN Daily's first articles on the subject looked at the tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan where, since 1971, the country has rejected GDP as the only way to measure progress. In its place, it has championed a new approach to development, which measures prosperity through formal principles of gross national happiness (GNH) and the spiritual, physical, social and environmental health of its citizens and natural environment. In a post-covid-19 world, when we're looking ahead, afresh, to what global citizens want and need, shouldn't we all shout a bit louder and tell our leaders that we need to incorporate GNH as part of our collective approach to the future? Happy news would be, would it not, if all countries adopted a similar approach to Bhutan.


Meanwhile, in northern Europe, it's long been recognised that the lucky people of the Nordic countries are much happier (on most indicators) than the rest of the western world. But why? OGN Daily decided to investigate.


Every year the World Happiness Report submits its finding to the UN. In 2020, the WHR applied a particular focus to the five Nordic countries – Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. Since 2013, have all been in the top ten, with Nordic countries occupying the top three spots in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Clearly, when it comes to happiness, the Nordic states are doing something right. This, by any definition, is news about happiness.

For more, please read our piece entitled Nordic Happiness


As OGN Daily is only available online (it's free and you can visit anytime), it allows us the liberty to add music and videos. And, arguably, the best combination of both for the purposes of this article is Pharrell Williams' Happy.


Most of our articles are not specifically about happiness. But everything we publish is designed to be Happy News. In other words, stuff that gives you an optimistic glow, that lifts your mood, makes you feel positive, and brightens your day.


OGN Daily is one of the very few news organisations on earth focusing solely on good news and happy news. Go to All News and surf around; branch off in to the clearly marked subject categories that interest you most. Every day we add around half a dozen new stories. If you wish, you can have them delivered as a news bulletin every morning to your email in-box, simply by taking a few seconds and signing up. It's free and easy, and we promise to never, ever share your details with anyone else.


For happy news and news about happiness, you can't beat OGN Daily. Enjoy!  

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