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2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards Shortlist

A perennial favourite, it's great to have the Comedy Wildlife competition back again!

The brainchild of professional photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE and Tom Sullam, the competition was set up in 2015 to focus on "the lighter, humorous side of wildlife photography" while also helping to promote wildlife conservation.

This year the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards team has elected to highlight the work of the Whitley Fund for Nature, a UK-based charity that's funded conservation work in 80 countries to the tune of £20 million ($24m) during its 30 year existence. "We are really chuffed to be able to shine a spotlight on the amazing work they do and hope you will join us in supporting them," said the Awards organizers.

The competition's overall winner will be announced on 23 November, and awarded a week-long safari in the Masai Mara, Kenya, in addition to a handmade trophy. OGN will be sure to let you know the winner when it's revealed. In the meantime, here's a handful of our favourites from the shortlist...

Bat Fish, Seychelles
"Part of Your World" | Bat Fish, Seychelles | Danielle Goonan

White-winged Dove, Arizona
"That wasn't here yesterday!!" | White-winged Dove, Arizona | Wendy Kaveney

Brown bear, Finland
"Hey, I'm Over Here! Take a Picture of Me!" | Bear, Finland | Dikla Gabrielynland |

Greenfinch, Bialowieza Forest, Poland
"They Went That Way!" | Greenfinch, Bialowieza Forest, Poland | Jacek Stankiewicz

Western Grey Kangaroo, Australia
"Hey, I Can Play Air Guitar as Well as Anybody!" | Western Grey Kangaroo, Australia | Jason Moore

Seal, Staten Island
"Hmm, This Looks Comfy" | Seal, Staten Island | Kawing Chiu

Grizzly Bears, Katmai National Park, Alaska
"Hey Buddy, I've Got a Great Idea For a Game" | Grizzly Bears, Katmai National Park, Alaska | Thomas Vijayan

Chacma Baboon, Kruger Park, South Africa
"Kiss Please, Just Here" | Chacma Baboon, Kruger Park, South Africa | Brigitte Alcalay-Marcon

Want to see some more? Check out Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards

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