Even with lots of encouragement to enter the USA Mullet Championship competition, 11-year-old Allan Baltz, of Jonesboro, Arkansas wasn’t interested. Initially!

According to his mom Leslie, when he learned there was a cash prize, "He instantly was like 'Oh, OK. I can do it, and we'll give the money to kids in foster care.” Twenty-five thousand votes later, he was splitting his $2,500 winnings between two local foster care organizations, Together We Foster and Project Zero. He chose foster care because he and his twin sister, Alice, are familiar with the system.
At four years-old they came to live with Derek and Leslie Baltz, who became foster parents with the intention to help reunite kids with their families. Realizing this wasn’t an option for Allan and Alice, those plans changed, and two years later, the couple officially adopted Allan and Alice. During his mullet campaign, sharing what he would do with the money inspired others who raised another $4,500 for the two organizations.
"People also started volunteering … and donating clothing, beds, and diapers," Lesli said. "A few people that we know decided to start fostering because of Allan's story. Lesli said she couldn't be prouder of Allan's heart for helping others and feels truly lucky to be his mom.