A baker's dozen of little known words for your enjoyment and edification.
Abibliophobia: The fear of running out of things to read.
Aglet: The little piece of plastic on the end of your shoelaces.
Annodated: Shaped like the letter S.
Ethologist: A zoologist who studies the behaviour of animals in their natural habitats.
Eutony: The pleasantness of a word’s sound.
Graupel: A small, white ice particle that falls as precipitation and breaks apart easily when it lands on a surface. Also called soft hail.
Leveret: A young hare in its first year.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
Meraki: To do something with soul, passion, or love.
Novaturient: Desiring or seeking powerful change in your life.
Peregrinate: to travel or wander from place to place.
Tappen: The plug by which the rectum of a bear is closed during hibernation, probably to keep ants out.
Umbriferous: Providing shade
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