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Good News Thursday

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

There's lots of good news out there! Here's a quick round up for you today.

  • New Zealand: 12th consecutive day with no new cases and the government considering abandoning as early as next week all remaining restrictions, except stringent border controls.

  • NASA to add 'hotel' capsule to the International Space Station as part of commercial plans. Presumably all rooms will have a decent view!

  • Russia: Announces $72bn recovery plan for next 2 years.

  • China: Good news for ET hunters! The world's largest single-aperture radio telescope will begin scanning the universe for signs of life in September.

  • New Orleans: Researchers at Tulane University School of Medicine identify a gene that causes an aggressive form of breast cancer. More importantly, they have also discovered a way to “turn it off” and inhibit cancer from occurring.

  • South Korea: Sends 10K masks to Navajo Nation as thanks for their help as ‘Code Talkers’ during Korean War in the early 1950s.

  • Europe: If electric and hybrid car sales continue at current pace, automakers should be able to meet emissions reductions targets.

  • London: Growing optimism about a swift global economic recovery push equity markets sharply higher.

  • Pandemic is chance to reset global economy, says the Prince of Wales, and puts forth his vision for a 5-point plan at 'virtual' World Economic Forum.

  • Snapchat stops promoting Trump's account due to his tweets, saying it won't promote "voices who incite racial violence and injustice."

  • Australia: Morrison government to offer $25,000 grants to help build and renovate homes, aiming to create a pipeline of construction work.

  • Israel: Energy Ministry unveils a $23 billion plan to increase the use of solar power over the next decade as the country's population and energy demand are set to surge.

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