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OGN Thursday

Good news nuggets from around the globe to brighten the day.

  • Did you know that you can watch the Northern Lights from anywhere in the world? Well, the good news is that you can! Every single evening, Polar Bear International and Explore streams the sky in all its glory. If you’ve picked a good night, you’ll catch nature’s stunning light show live from Manitoba in Canada. The cam is located directly underneath the aurora oval, which is one of the best places in the world to admire the northern lights. And the best part? You can do so without trudging through the arctic and, instead, simply camp out on your sofa with a nice warm brew.

  • Secret weapon for staying warm: Even though winter is upon us, it's still important to get outdoors for the benefit of our physical and mental health. But how to stay warm without breaking the bank? You might like Uniqlo's heat tech.

  • Every year, the President of the United States hosts a pre-Thanksgiving event at the White House where he ceremoniously spares a turkey from the dinner table. This year, it gave headline writers the unmissable opportunity to announce: 'Lame duck pardons turkey.'

  • To understand how much carbon the Earth can store, and how it changes over time, scientists need to count a bewildering number of trees, and track their growth over time. Incredibly, NASA is now using supercomputers to do exactly that - from space.

  • Netflix will spend $1bn in UK in this year on TV shows and films, and has struck a 10 year deal to take over all of Shepperton Studios to guarantee the space it needs to pump out productions without delay.

With Lockdown 2 upon us, it’s the ideal time to learn a new skill and, if you’ve always fancied trying burlesque, we’ve got the perfect option for you! This excellent online workshop offers you a one-on-one session with an international burlesque performer who’ll offer tips and guidance to help perfect your moves and look. Worth a try?

  • Don't let this happen to you: My husband purchased a world map and then gave me a dart and said, “Throw this and wherever it lands - that’s where I’m taking you when this pandemic ends.” Turns out, we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge.

  • The Miami Marlins broke one of baseball’s glass ceilings by becoming the first club to hire a woman as General Manager in Major League Baseball - or in any professional men’s team in the U.S. “Kim Ng's appointment makes history in all of professional sports and sets a significant example for the millions of women and girls who love baseball and softball,” said Commissioner of Baseball Robert Manfred Jr.

  • The FDA has announced approval in the US of the first at-home Covid testing kit and it provides results in 30 minutes.

  • This anecdote from an OGN reader may feel laughably familiar: I was waiting at a small train station when a man put up a sign regarding my train: “30 Minute Delay.” “What happened?” I asked. “The train went off the rails,” he said. “How long will that take to fix?” “Quite a few hours.” “So why put up a sign saying it would take 30 minutes?” “It’s the only sign we have.”

  • Moths drink tears of sleeping birds: A rare tear-feeding moth discovered in Brazil could help explain the bizarre behavior, reports National Geographic.

  • In a new poll, 78 percent of Americans said that looking back on cherished events in their lives has helped comfort them during this stressful time. Respondents report telling an average of eight more personal stories each week than they did prior to the pandemic. 84 percent also have been sharing more photos with each other during this period. Does that resonate with you?

  • Is Lockdown 2 the same as Lockdown 1? In Round One, OGN published a collection of middle class lockdown clichés - is it happening again?

  • One of the most beautiful love songs ever written. Why not perk up your Thursday morning with a blast of Whitney - at her best.

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