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OGN Tuesday

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Snippets of good news from around the world to keep your week on track.

  • London: Follows Scotland and Northern Ireland in reporting no new fatalities from you know what.

  • Ghana: 32 year old shoemaker Richard Kwarteng and his brother Jude Osei managed to gather all the necessary supplies to turn an old recycled metal barrel into a solar-powered hand-washing basin to encourage sanitation habits amongst the neighborhood. It runs on a 25 second timer, corresponding with CDC guidelines.

  • Denmark: The capital, Copenhagen, is leading the way in the transformation to being a 'clean' city.

  • Bangladesh: Yoga is held in such high esteem in the country that the police force are trying it en masse in a bid to boost their immune systems.

  • UK: There is no evidence to suggest a coronavirus 'second wave' is coming, says Hugh Pennington, emeritus professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen.

  • Everyday Hero: Window cleaner in the east of England helping firms 'bounce back' by turning up unannounced and cleaning their windows and signs for free - so the shops can look in tip top condition as lockdown eases.

  • New Zealand: Eliminated transmission of coronavirus and announced it would lift social distancing measures, with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern saying the government would now focus on reopening its economy.

  • Sweden: IKEA now produces more energy than it consumes. Ultimately, it plans to be climate-positive by 2030.

  • Wales: 14,000 plants, seeds and growing kits are being distributed to families across Cardiff during lockdown as part of a project to encourage people to grow their own fruit and vegetables at home.

  • Process that stops vaccines from degrading in warm temperatures could help children in low-income nations receive life-saving inoculations. Researchers from the universities of Bath and Newcastle have found a way to transport and store vaccines without the need for refrigeration. The process, known as ensilication, encases the protein molecules in the vaccine in a non toxic silica shell and could preserve vaccines at room temperature for up to three years.

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