Quick summary of the top good news stories from last week.

Remarkable Trees: We already know that trees are excellent at sequestering CO2. Now, a new large-scale study found that tree bark absorbs the greenhouse gas methane. This discovery shows that forests provide even more climate benefits than previously thought.
Delaying Menopause: A preliminary study suggests that the drug rapamycin, which can delay menopause and extend a woman’s fertility by five years as well as increase lifespan, is safe. Hailed as a "paradigm shift", it gives hope to women with age-related fertility issues. “In a way, our results are too good to be true - except, because rapamycin is so well-studied, we know they are true... These results are like a dream come true.”
Ecuador School Meals: In 2023, the World Food Programme launched a school meals programme for 1,000 children in Ecuador in rural areas with high malnutrition and poverty levels. Almost immediate improvements were recorded, including better academic performance and reduced illness. This year, the program rolls out nationwide, expanding meal provision and diversifying diets for tens of thousands of kids.
AI Pillow to Tackle Snoring: Remarkable 'active' pillow is designed to detect snoring and actually do something about it. If it does what it claims to do - gently helping you stop snoring without waking you up - a couple of hundred bucks could pay serious dividends.

Unicorn of Whales: Good news from the Canadian conservation authorities. They have declared the narwhal - the unicorn of whales - no longer at risk, since its population is stable despite threats.
Thai Tigers: The tiger population density in a series of protected areas in western Thailand has more than doubled over the past two decades, according to new survey data. THat's particularly good news as Thailand is the final stronghold of the Indochinese tiger.
EU Grid: Wind turbines and solar panels have overtaken fossil fuels to generate 30 percent of the European Union’s electricity in the first half of the year. “We are witnessing a historic shift in the power sector, and it is happening rapidly.”
Cylinder Sails: Revolutionary new device promises to reduce cargo ship fuel consumption by as much as 90 percent using stationary cylinders with no moving parts.
Pedal to The Metal: The transition to greener steel is afoot, says a new report from Global Energy Monitor. While most steel production still uses traditional, coal-based methods, about half of new steelmaking projects in development will use an electric arc furnace, which melts iron into steel using clean electricity. These plans, if executed, put a 2030 net-zero target for steel within reach.
Hybrid-Electric Airliner: Travellers should be making all-electric flights by 2028 in this game-changing 30 seat aircraft.
The Ocean Cleanup: This remarkably effective enterprise has removed over 15,000 tonnes of trash from oceans and rivers worldwide since its launch in 2013. Founder Boyan Slat recently posted, "During the first eight years of The Ocean Cleanup, we collected 314,000 kg of trash. We're now collecting the same amount... every 4.5 days."
Compact Wind Turbines: Japan's small, discreet vertical coaxial contra-rotating twin blade turbines are being tested in Hawaii for use in cities.
Legal Landmark: In an EU first, a court in Berlin has ruled that the German government’s policies to tackle air pollution are unlawful and must be improved.
That's it. You're up to date.
Today's Articles
World First: Basic income pilot project in the Amazon suggests the best way to save rainforest is to simply give $2.50 a day to the people who live there.
Prancing Horse: World's oldest road-going Ferrari is still being driven around in a rather unexpected place - and Ferrari was so impressed it made a short film about it.
Quotes: From some of history’s greatest Olympic athletes to let us better understand how they think.
Hemp's Heyday: After the Farm Bill in the USA decriminalised hemp (a cousin to marijuana), this hard-working plant is enjoying a heyday because it has numerous positive benefits.