A snowstorm was blowing as pizza delivery man was doing his utmost to get the Rock Star Pizza to his customer.

Conner Stephanoff, in nothing but some sweats and a pair of Nikes, had to trudge half a mile when the road to the address was closed. Thanks to his determination, he got the $40 order to its buyer, and received a measly $2 tip as a reward.
As luck would have it, police officer Richard Craig was nearby attending to a crash. Seeing Stephanoff walking along the drifty sidewalk, Craig whipped out his phone and started recording an impromptu interview for his popular TikTok account. After hearing how far he had walked, and the extent of the tip, Craig was astounded by the lack of generosity shown to the driver by the affluent house in Brownsburg, Indiana.
“Look at this man. This man walked through hell and high water to deliver a pizza!” Officer Richard Craig said.
Shortly after that, Officer Craig posted another video. “Look at these homes, they absolutely had the means to tip this young man. Absolutely insane. Do better folks!” he said, announcing in the video that he had set up a GoFundMe to try and get Stephanoff a $500 reward.
At time of writing, almost 2,000 people raised $41,000: all to show a delivery driver they appreciated him. “I still don’t believe it’s real but it is,” Stephanoff told a local media outlet. The owner of Rock Star Pizza says Stephanoff is well deserving of the attention.