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OGN Friday

Concluding the week with a bundle of uplifting news snippets.

  • Oops! One of these penguins had just been listening to the doom and gloom on mainstream media. The others, obviously, are subscribers to OGN Daily.

  • New Kind of Political Label: Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard, isn't afraid to get political, making the company's political stance crystal clear with the slogan Vote The Assholes Out sewn in as a label on their garments in the run up to the US elections.

  • Google has announced its plan to power all its offices and data centres with only carbon-free electricity by 2030. In even better news, the tech giant also declared that it has eliminated its “entire carbon legacy” by offsetting all its emissions since its 1998 launch. More about clawing back historical carbon footprints (OGN 5 September).

  • French company Salomon, mostly associated with quality ski equipment, is now debuting a fully circular (i.e. 100 per cent recyclable) running shoe.

  • Britain’s leading business group, the CBI, has called on the government to implement green measures to help the economy recover from 'you know what', and bring forward policies to enable to country to meet its climate targets.

  • Extreme E Racing: Lewis Hamilton joins the electric movement with his own Extreme E team. This extreme racing format - in electric powered vehicles - is great news for motorsports fans and will take place in remote corners around the world to raise awareness about climate change.

  • Essential workers have put their health and safety on the line to keep critical services running during the pandemic. Michigan is recognizing the commitment and sacrifices of their state’s 625,000 essential workers by offering them free education at any community college in the state. Called Futures for Frontliners, it offers a free community college education to essential workers on the frontlines in medicine, manufacturing, nursing homes, grocery stores, sanitation, delivery, retail, and more.

  • An English artist has created a giant image of a seal using the natural contours of an inlet on Beadnell Bay in Northumberland, known for its marine mammals. She simply used a garden rake to carve a 300ft picture so big it can be seen from space - as this drone image demonstrates so beautifully.

  • Germany raises 6.5 billion euros from first-ever green bond, in a landmark moment for Europe's climate-focused finance drive. "With today's issue of the government's first green bond, we have taken an important step towards significantly strengthening Germany as a sustainable finance location," German deputy finance minister Joerg Kukies told Reuters.

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