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Rubik’s Cube Solved in 3 Seconds

A Rubik’s Cube world record has officially been set by American Max Park.

A Rubik's Cube

Whether you love it or loathe it, Erno Rubik's invention (first launched in 1979) shows no sign of diminishing in popularity as yet another generation of gamer's are taking up the challenge. It's estimated that the Rubik’s Cube is now played by more than a billion people, and roughly 480 million units of Rubik’s Cubes and merchandise are sold globally every year.

Erno Rubik once told the Observer the reason it’s still so popular 40 years on is that it “speaks to the noblest, universally shared human characteristics: curiosity, playfulness, problem-solving and intelligence”.

At the Long Beach 2023 World Cube Association Competition earlier this month Park, 21, achieved a new world record by solving a three-by-three-by-three Rubik’s Cube within 3.13 seconds, beating the previous record by 0.34 of a second.

Park initially began solving Rubik’s cubes to improve his motor skills after being diagnosed with moderate to severe autism. He later learned to "speedcube" and began participating in competitions and is now considered one of the world's top speedcubers.

In the video uploaded by Park to YouTube, he can be seen carefully inspecting the cube before the timer begins. Mere seconds after he starts the timer, Park successfully solves the cube, stops the timer and jumps up in excitement. Filled with excitement, Park jumps around as the crowd yells, claps and takes photos to commemorate the exciting moment.

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