It's the first channel created to bring relaxing video and music for dogs, designed specifically for a canine audience. Yes, really.

Believe it or not, DOGTV is a 24/7 TV channel that's intended to alleviate your pup’s stress and anxiety throughout the day. It's even filmed in dog friendly colours so your hound can see the images more clearly. It's a sort of Netflix for dogs.
While you certainly could put on DOGTV for your canine friend whilst you’re home, it’s really designed to keep them from getting bored or anxious when you’re gone. And, by extension, to stop you getting anxious about your dog whilst you're out. Just put the program on your TV (or computer) before heading off and let them enjoy. That way, so the channel claims, neither dog nor human has a ruff day.
The colours are adjusted with your dog’s vision in mind, making hues more alive and interesting - even though the colours may look strange to you. There are also no sudden noises or sounds, just calm and soothing frequencies.
Programs on DOGTV rotate throughout the day, making sure your four-legged friend doesn’t become overstimulated with interactive visuals or too bored with calming sounds. As you might suspect, this streaming service comes with a monthly fee, but you can try it without charge to see if your pet likes it.
In the meantime, here's a two minute explanatory video (designed for humans)...